📍 영어 이디엄•관용표현

구동사 모음 I, J, K (Phrasal Verbs_I, J, K)

JUDAJU 2020. 5. 5. 15:38

구동사(phrasal verbs)는 '동사+부사' 형태나 '동사+전치사' 구조를 통해 동사 원래의 의미와는 다른 새로운 의미 단위를 만들어 낸 구성입니다. 흔히 영어 숙어라고 부르는데, 숙어는 엄밀히 말하면 관용어를 포함합니다. 영어의 구동사는 관용어의 조건을 충족하지는 않으면서 단어들의 조합으로 새로운 의미 단위를 만드는데, 이와 같은 관계를 연어 관계라고 합니다. 

iron * out


We need to have a meeting this week

in order to iron out the distribution problems.

jack up +

to raise

We need to jack up the car before we change the tire.

joke around

to be humorous

Mike is always joking around at work.

jump in

enter a conversation

Feel free to jump in at any moment while we are talking.

jump to +

make a quick, poorly thought out decision

You shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Keep * around

have handy, have accessible

I always keep a dictionary around to translate new words.

keep at +

not give up (an activity), to persevere

You should keep at your studies.

keep * away

prevent access to, hold back

Keep the kids away from the cookies.

keep * back

maintain a safe distance, cause to maintain a safe distance

Keep back! The burning building is about to collapse.

keep * down

not vomit, not throw up, keep in one's stomach

If I ate that, I down know if I could keep it down.

keep * in

keep in a particular place, have something in a specific location

When I am not using it, I keep my passport in this drawer.

keep * off


prevent from stepping or climbing on to something

Keep the cat off the couch.

iron * out


We need to have a meeting this week

in order to iron out the distribution problems.

jack up +

to raise

We need to jack up the car before we change the tire.

joke around

to be humorous

Mike is always joking around at work.

jump in

enter a conversation

Feel free to jump in at any moment while we are talking.

jump to +

make a quick, poorly thought out decision

You shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Keep * around

have handy, have accessible

I always keep a dictionary around to translate new words.

keep at +

not give up (an activity), to persevere

You should keep at your studies.

keep * away

prevent access to, hold back

Keep the kids away from the cookies.

keep * back

maintain a safe distance, cause to maintain a safe distance

Keep back! The burning building is about to collapse.

keep * down

not vomit, not throw up, keep in one's stomach

If I ate that, I down know if I could keep it down.

keep * in

keep in a particular place, have something in a specific location

When I am not using it, I keep my passport in this drawer.

keep * off

prevent from stepping or climbing on to something

Keep the cat off the couch.