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구동사 모음 F (Phrasal Verbs_F)

JUDAJU 2020. 5. 4. 12:29

구동사(phrasal verbs)는 '동사+부사' 형태나 '동사+전치사' 구조를 통해 동사 원래의 의미와는 다른 새로운 의미 단위를 만들어 낸 구성입니다. 흔히 영어 숙어라고 부르는데, 숙어는 엄밀히 말하면 관용어를 포함합니다. 영어의 구동사는 관용어의 조건을 충족하지는 않으면서 단어들의 조합으로 새로운 의미 단위를 만드는데, 이와 같은 관계를 연어 관계라고 합니다. 

Face up to +

acknowledge something difficult or embarrassing

I'll never be able to face up to my colleagues after getting so drunk last night at the work party.

fall back on +

be able to use in case of emergency

Yuki can fall back on her degree in biology if she doesn't succeed in her acting career.

fall behind

go slower than scheduled, lag

Hurry up or you will fall behind!

fall behind in +

go slower than scheduled, lag

Cheryl has missed several days of school and now she is falling behind in her homework.

fall off


Interest in the project fell off when they realized it wouldn't be profitable.

fall out with +

have an argument with

I had a falling out with my sister last month and we haven't talked to each other since.

fall through

fail to happen

Unfortunately, my trip to Indonesia fell through because I couldn't save enough money.

feel * up +


She sued her boss for sexual harassment after he felt her up.

feel up to +

have the energy to do something

I don't feel up to going out tonight because I had a long day at work.

figure on +


Where do you figure on living when you move to the the U.S.A.?

figure * out +

solve something, understand

I finally figured the joke out. Now I understand why everybody was laughing.

figure * up +


I need to figure my expenses up before I give you an estimate.

fill * in +


Don't forget to fill in all the blanks on the application.

fill in


Who is going to fill in while you're gone?

fill in for +

substitute for

Miguel filled in for me at the meeting yesterday because I was sick.

fill * out +

complete (an application)

I filled out an application to rent the apartment last week.

fill out

mature, get breasts

Now that you're filling out honey, we need to get you a bra.

fill * up +

fill to the top

Fill the car up with unleaded gas, please.

find out +


You will never find out all my secrets!

find out


Vicky's parents are going to be so mad when they find out she got a tattoo.

fix * up +


repair, renovate, remodel

My neighbors are fixing their house up.

Face up to +

acknowledge something difficult or embarrassing

I'll never be able to face up to my colleagues after getting so drunk last night at the work party.

fall back on +

be able to use in case of emergency

Yuki can fall back on her degree in biology if she doesn't succeed in her acting career.

fall behind

go slower than scheduled, lag

Hurry up or you will fall behind!

fall behind in +

go slower than scheduled, lag

Cheryl has missed several days of school and now she is falling behind in her homework.

fall off


Interest in the project fell off when they realized it wouldn't be profitable.

fall out with +

have an argument with

I had a falling out with my sister last month and we haven't talked to each other since.

fall through

fail to happen

Unfortunately, my trip to Indonesia fell through because I couldn't save enough money.

feel * up +


She sued her boss for sexual harassment after he felt her up.

feel up to +

have the energy to do something

I don't feel up to going out tonight because I had a long day at work.

figure on +


Where do you figure on living when you move to the the U.S.A.?

figure * out +

solve something, understand

I finally figured the joke out. Now I understand why everybody was laughing.

figure * up +


I need to figure my expenses up before I give you an estimate.

fill * in +


Don't forget to fill in all the blanks on the application.

fill in


Who is going to fill in while you're gone?

fill in for +

substitute for

Miguel filled in for me at the meeting yesterday because I was sick.

fill * out +

complete (an application)

I filled out an application to rent the apartment last week.

fill out

mature, get breasts

Now that you're filling out honey, we need to get you a bra.

fill * up +

fill to the top

Fill the car up with unleaded gas, please.

find out +


You will never find out all my secrets!

find out


Vicky's parents are going to be so mad when they find out she got a tattoo.

fix * up +

repair, renovate, remodel

My neighbors are fixing their house up.