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영어 회화 수업 교재: Apple discontinues the iPod after 21 years

[Fresh English News_ May 11th 2022] 📍 Apple discontinues the iPod after 21 years Apple has announced it is discontinuing its music player, the iPod Touch. Apple brings to an end a device that was widely praised for revolutionising how people listen to music. When the first iPod was launched in 2001, it could store 1,000 tracks. Today there are more than 90 million songs on Apple's streaming serv..

영어 회화 수업 교재: Gucci accepts cryptocurrencies in US

[Fresh English News_ May 9th 2022] 📍 Gucci accepts cryptocurrencies in US Customers will be able to pay with cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit. The service will be rolled out later this month at some of its flagship outlets. Gucci, owned by ..

영어 회화 수업 교재: EU will stop Russian Gas and Oil, But how?

[Fresh English News_ May 3rd 2022] 📍 EU will stop Russian Gas and Oil, But how? The European Union plans to ban all purchases of Russian oil by the end of the year. Russia is the world's third biggest producer, after the US and Saudi Arabia. Research analyst says it'll be easier to find alternative suppliers for oil than for gas. Because there's also a lot of shipments from other countries than ..

영어 회화 수업 교재: Airbnb staffers can work remotely forever

[Fresh English News_ May 3rd 2022] 📍Airbnb staffers can work remotely forever Airbnb's staffers can permanently work remotely and can relocate anywhere within the country. Starting in September, employees can live and work in over 170 countries for up to 90 days a year in each location. It will not reduce salaries if an employee chooses to move to a city where the cost of living is lower. The Ai..

영어 회화 수업 교재: Indonesia bans palm oil exports

[Fresh English News_ May 2nd 2022] 📍Indonesia bans palm oil exports Indonesia is the world 's top palm oil producer. It announced plans to ban exports of the most widely used vegetable oil. Indonesia sells more than half of the global palm oil supply. Indonesia's President said that he wanted to ensure the availability of food products in his country, after global food inflation reached a record..

영어 회화 수업 교재: China's Weibo shows user locations to combat 'bad behavior'

[Fresh English News_ April 30th 2022] 📍China's Weibo shows user locations to combat 'bad behavior' China tightly controls its cyberspace and puts more efforts to "clean up" the internet. Chinese social media sites that fail to censor critical content will face the temporary suspensions of service under current law. Weibo is a China's version Twitter and it has over 570 million monthly active use..

에마뉘엘 마크롱(Emmanuel Macron) 프랑스 대선 승리

Emmanuel Macron wins France's presidential election 에마뉘엘 마크롱(Emmanuel Macron) 프랑스 대선 승리 Emmanuel Macron has won France's presidential election, fending off a historic challenge from far-right candidate Marine Le Pen during Sunday's runoff vote. 에마뉘엘 마크롱(Emmanuel Macron)이 일요일 결선 투표에서 극우 후보인 마린 르펜(Marine Le Pen) 후보의 역사적인 도전을 물리치고 프랑스 대선에서 승리했습니다. Macron took 58.55% of Sunday's vote, making him the..

러시아군, 우크라이나에서 강간을 '전쟁 도구'로 사용, 인권단체 주장

Russian troops use rape as 'an instrument of war' in Ukraine, rights groups allege 러시아군, 우크라이나에서 강간을 '전쟁 도구'로 사용, 인권단체 주장 When Russian troops invaded Ukraine and began closing in on its capital, Kyiv, Andrii Dereko begged his 22-year-old stepdaughter Karina Yershova to leave the suburb where she lived. 러시아군이 우크라이나를 침공하고 수도 키예프에 접근하기 시작했을 때 Andrii Dereko는 22세의 의붓딸 Karina Yershova에게 그녀가 살고 있는 교외를 ..

중국 법원, 살인 혐의로 미국 시민 Shadeed Abdulmateen에 사형 선고

Chinese court sentences US citizen Shadeed Abdulmateen to death for murder 중국 법원, 살인 혐의로 미국 시민 Shadeed Abdulmateen에 사형 선고 A Chinese court sentenced an American citizen to death on Thursday for allegedly murdering his former girlfriend, state media reported. 중국 법원이 목요일 전 여자친구를 살해한 혐의로 미국 시민에게 사형을 선고했다고 국영 언론이 보도했다. Shadeed Abdulmateen, who taught at the Ningbo University of Technology, was charge..